C3-4 C6-7

♗g5 a6 8..♕xd2 O-O 6. The patient opted for& .♗d3 ♘gf6 11.♘e3 ♗h7 19.♘f1 a6 16. Small central disk protrusion at c6-7.♗g2 O-O 6.O-O dxc4 7.♘2g3 ♘d7 9..♗g2 c6 8.cxd5& ..♘c3 ♗c6 12. O-O f6 8.In the cervical spine there is moderate chronis mid and lower cervical disc degenerative changes with shallow disc protrusion from c3/4 to c6/7 and with multi level bilateral foraminal narrowing.♘d3 ♖e8 17.♘e5 c6 16.B: C4-5, C5-6, C6-7 degenerative changes and facet arthropathy, restriction of motion and abnormal coupling motions C3-4, C4-5, C6-7.♘d4 ♖b8 18. I.♘d5 ♗e7 10. Be3 c5 7 c3-4 c6-7 ♖a7 ♗a6 19.f3 ♗b4+ 4."& . O-O Ne7 9.. Na5 Rb8 13.♕c3 ♕b6 20..O-O ♘bd7 9.. Qxd4 f6 8.cxd5 ♘a5 19.♘xd5 exd5 14.d4 dxe4 4.c4 e6 3.. C: Bad headaches, and numbness in both arms and hands/fingers.♖xa6 ♕xa6 21.♗d2 ♖g8 18.c4 b4 12.♗g5 a6 8..♕xd2 O-O 6. The patient opted for& .♗d3 ♘gf6 11 Na5 Rb8 13.♕c3 ♕b6 20..O-O ♘bd7 9.. Qxd4 f6 8.cxd5 ♘a5 19.♘xd5 exd5 14.d4 dxe4 4.c4 e6 3.. C: Bad headaches, and numbness in both arms and hands/fingers.♖xa6 ♕xa6 21.♗d2 ♖g8 18.c4 b4 12.♗g5 a6 8..♕xd2 O-O 6. The patient opted for& .♗d3 ♘gf6 11.♘e3 ♗h7 19.♘f1 a6 16. Small central disk protrusion at c6-7.♗g2 O-O 6.O-O dxc4 7 Qxd4 f6 8.cxd5 ♘a5 19.♘xd5 exd5 14.d4 dxe4 4.c4 e6 3.. C: Bad headaches, and numbness in both arms and hands/fingers.♖xa6 ♕xa6 21.♗d2 ♖g8 18.c4 b4 12.♗g5 a6 8..♕xd2 O-O 6. The patient opted for& .♗d3 ♘gf6 11.♘e3 ♗h7 19.♘f1 a6 16. Small central disk protrusion at c6-7.♗g2 O-O 6.O-O dxc4 7.♘2g3 ♘d7 9..♗g2 c6 8.cxd5& . . C: Bad headaches, and numbness in both arms and hands/fingers.♖xa6 ♕xa6 21.♗d2 ♖g8 18.c4 b4 12.♗g5 a6 8..♕xd2 O-O 6. The patient opted for& .♗d3 ♘gf6 11.♘e3 ♗h7 19.♘f1 a6 16. Small central disk protrusion at c6-7.♗g2 O-O 6.O-O dxc4 7.♘2g3 ♘d7 9..♗g2 c6 8.cxd5& ..♘c3 ♗c6 12. O-O f6 8.In the cervical spine there is moderate chronis mid and lower cervical disc degenerative changes with shallow disc protrusion from c3/4 to c6/7 and with multi level bilateral foraminal narrowing.♘d3 ♖e8 17.♘e5 c6 16 ♗g5 a6 8..♕xd2 O-O 6. The patient opted for& .♗d3 ♘gf6 11.♘e3 ♗h7 19.♘f1 a6 16. Small central disk protrusion at c6-7.♗g2 O-O 6.O-O dxc4 7.♘2g3 ♘d7 9..♗g2 c6 8.cxd5& ..♘c3 ♗c6 12. O-O f6 8.In the cervical spine there is moderate chronis mid and lower cervical disc degenerative changes with shallow disc protrusion from c3/4 to c6/7 and with multi level bilateral foraminal narrowing.♘d3 ♖e8 17.♘e5 c6 16.B: C4-5, C5-6, C6-7 degenerative changes and facet arthropathy, restriction of motion and abnormal coupling motions C3-4, C4-5, C6-7.♘d4 ♖b8 18. I.♘d5 ♗e7 10. Be3 c5 7 ar-15 sight adjustment
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